絲路員工成長記④ | 凱盛節(jié)能硬漢柔情薛承文&中亞北新真誠暖男阿茲江
來源:上海凱盛節(jié)能、 北新建材中亞公司 特約運維員 寇鑫 發(fā)布時間:2023-10-18今年是共建“一帶一路”倡議提出10周年。10 年來,中國建材集團堅定不移走國際化道路,不斷創(chuàng)新“走出去”模式,始終秉持“為當?shù)亟?jīng)濟作貢獻、與當?shù)仄髽I(yè)合作、為當?shù)鼐用穹?wù)”的合作共贏“三原則”,為“一帶一路”沿線國家和地區(qū)提供高質(zhì)量建材和工程技術(shù)服務(wù)。我們遍布全球的2萬多名海外員工,在砥礪奮進中書寫精彩答卷,在企業(yè)發(fā)展中實現(xiàn)共同成長,用一點一滴的默默奉獻生動譜寫“美美與共”美好藍圖。
一腔熱血赴重洋 硬漢亦有柔情時
2016 年加入中國建材
這一幕發(fā)生在中國建材集團上海凱盛節(jié)能工程技術(shù)有限公司在土耳其 BASTAS 項目的 工地上。由于時差的關(guān)系,薛承文正在利用中午飯后的時間和遠在國內(nèi)的幼女視頻連線互動,這個家在山東的漢子此刻流露出的柔情讓人動容。由于工作的關(guān)系,他舍下尚在襁褓中的女兒,踏上了國外項目管理的征程。
時間退回到3個月前,接到公司通知后,當他辦理簽證準備前往土耳其的時候,他深感壓力重重,在和妻子、父母的溝通中,滿是擔 憂和顧慮,奶奶和父母年事已高、孩子年幼、房子裝修在即等問題都要拋給妻子一個人去承擔,他始終難以啟齒,當不得不說的時候,他的妻子已經(jīng)感覺到了他的為難,主動提出讓他不要想太多,趁著年輕去奮斗,家里的事情交給她處理。就這樣,薛承文在匆忙中舍下家里的事情,風塵仆仆地奔赴土耳其BASTAS項目工地。
“Stop,stop……”薛承文大聲對工長喊著,原來 SP 鍋爐在安裝中一名土耳其當?shù)毓镜墓らL把管片的吊裝方向搞反了,這樣會導(dǎo)致后面工序無法施工。工長很不理解地趕緊讓吊裝停了下來,他知道,薛工讓停下來一定 是有重要的問題,當他們拿著圖紙和薛工對照 時才明白過來,明白了原因后,大家紛紛給薛工豎起了大拇指,這位工長說:“是我們疏忽了,沒有分清楚左視圖和右視圖的關(guān)系,謝謝薛工及時提醒,否則我們返工得浪費好幾天的時間?!毖ぶt虛地說:“這是我們兩國圖紙表達習慣不同造成的,只要我們以后多溝通交流,就可以避免?!惫らL主動和薛工握手,表示感謝。
“薛工,薛工……走,去吃飯了”,都很晚了,薛工一下班就躺下沒有起來,到現(xiàn)在飯都沒有去吃。薛工的這種異常情緒是很少見的。當?shù)诙煸缟贤抡宜臅r候,他滿臉悲戚地 沉聲說:“昨天接到家里的信息,我的奶奶去世了。今天上午先轉(zhuǎn)點錢過去,上午就能處理好,晚點過去上班,工地還有幾件事需要去處 理?!毖ぷ孕≡谀棠躺磉呴L大,對奶奶有著深厚的感情,他心底的悲傷是可以想到的,男兒有淚不輕彈,只是未到傷心時。此刻,拍拍肩膀勝過千言萬語。這一幕發(fā)生在薛工剛來項目工地的半個月。
Tenderness of an Iron Man
Xue Chengwen
Joined CNBM in 2016
Employee of the Engineering Management Department at Shanghai Triumph Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd.
"Papa...Papa..." Xue Chengwen s one-year-and- eight-month-old daughter babbled from home thousands of miles via a video call, and Xue Chengwen answered her tenderly.
This scene took place at the construction site of the Bastas project in Turkey, a key stop along the Belt and Road for the Shanghai Triumph Energy Conservation Engineering Co.,Ltd. Due to the time difference, Xue Chengwen was video chatting with his infant daughter back in China during his lunch break. Xue had to leave her behind when he went abroad to work on the Turkish project.
Three months ago, Xue Chengwen s company told him to get ready for his visa to Turkey. He felt a lot of pressure. He worried about his infant daughter, his elderly grandparents, and his home renovation. He didn t want to burden his wife, who had to handle everything alone. But when he finally shared his concerns, she supported him. She told him to focus on his career and not to worry too much. She said she could manage the home affairs. So Xue Chengwen left his family behind and went to the Bastas project site in Turkey.
"Stop, stop..." Chengwen Xue Chengwen shouted to the foreman. The foreman at the local Turkish company had incorrectly hoisted the pipe sections during the installation of the SP boiler. This mistake would cause problems in the later construction stages. The foreman, puzzled, immediately stopped the hoisting. He knew that if Xue asked them to halt, there must be a significant issue. After referring to the blueprints with Xue, they understood the problem and gave Xue a thumbs-up. The foreman said they had mixed up the left and right views and thanked Xue for his timely correction, which would save them several days of rework. Xue responded that this was just due to different drawing habits between the two countries, and it could be avoided with more communication in the future.
This incident occurred during the peak of project installation. Despite having arrived at the project site less than a month ago, Xue quickly integrated with the team and adapted to the project"s working atmosphere. His mature technical skills, rich construction experience, and passionate work attitude deeply impressed every Chinese and Turkish manager and construction worker on the project.
"Xue, Xue... Let"s go, it"s time for dinner." One evening, Xue fell asleep right after work without eating dinner. He looked unsually sad. The next morning, he said with a sorrowful expression that his grandmother had passed away. His colleagues expressed condolences and asked him to take a few days off to deal with family matters. However, Xue refused, saying he would transfer some money home in the morning and come back to work later that day as there were a few tasks on site that he needed to do. Having grown up by his grandmother"s side, Xue deep-seated grief.
Xue often said that even though Chinese and Turkish cultural customs are starkly different, but we could still cooperate effectively by adopting a realistic and objective attitude when facing issues. He said we had to avoid arguments and conflicts that would waste time and energy. He spoke clearly and confidently, and everyone respected him for that.
Xue Chengwen is approachable and popular. One Turkish manager remembers him vividly, describing his thoughtful gaze as subtly refined yet filled with passion.
Xue is an excellent "comrade-in-arms". Although young, he has deep love for his wife and child, profound respect for his elders, and unbridled enthusiasm for his work. Such a character has been fully displayed through his life and work, inspiring admiration from his colleagues. Our era needs heroes, and it relies on countless individuals like Xue Chengwen as its sturdy foundation.
2019 年加入中國建材
他曾留學中國,是公司里少有的掌握幾門語言的烏茲方員工,會說烏茲語、俄語和漢語。2019 年 8 月加入北新建材所屬中亞北新后,他擔任行政兼翻譯工作。他愛崗敬業(yè)、盡職盡責,獲得公司和同事的一致認可,經(jīng)過4年的歷練,如今已經(jīng)成長為公司的骨干員工,對外事務(wù)方面的工作更是做得有聲有色。
在項目建設(shè)前期,他積極與政府部門溝通協(xié)調(diào),及時準確地傳達雙方的意見和建議。一次次談判、一封封信函、一通通電話……在不 知道忙碌了多少個日夜后,各種問題一一解決。他一次次的辛苦付出最終換來了項目建設(shè)的穩(wěn)步推進。在解決問題的過程中,他不斷積累,進一步了解了政府流程、銀行事務(wù)、稅務(wù)規(guī)定、 簽證制度等,并將自己學到的知識與其他同事分享。
這就是阿茲江,他對公司的愛、對同事的愛是發(fā)自內(nèi)心的,并不斷感染著身邊的同事。他的付出也換來了公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的信賴和同事們的尊敬。在他結(jié) 婚時,公司的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)全員出席,直到現(xiàn)在他還經(jīng)常拿出結(jié)婚錄像給大家觀看;他女兒出生的時候,全體員工又共聚一堂,用心為他慶祝,分享他的喜悅。
4 年的時光里,阿茲江見證了中亞北新從無到有的過程。他也與公司一起 成長進步,變得更加自信、更加從容。
Warm-Hearted Young Man of BNBM CENTRAL ASIA
Azizjon Hoshimov
Joined CNBM in 2019
The Administrator and Interpreter of BNBM Building Materials Central Asia
Azizjon Hoshimov is a young and warm-hearted man from Uzbekistan. Despite his modest height and well-built physique, his big eyes blink as if they can speak.
Having studied in China, Azizjon is one of the few employees in the Company who is proficient in multiple languages, including Uzbek, Russian, and Chinese. Since joining BNBM CENTRAL ASIA in August 2019, he has been working in administration and translation. He is dedicated and responsible, earning recognition from the Company and his colleagues. After four years of working, he has grown into a backbone employee of the Company, particularly excelling in his work in external affairs.
During the initial stages of project construction, he played an active part in communicating and coordinating with government departments, promptly and accurately conveying opinions and suggestions of both sides. Through numerous negotiations, letters, and phone calls, and after countless days and nights of hard work, all the issues were resolved smoothly. His hard work ultimately led to the steady progress of the project. In the process of solving problems, he accumulated knowledge and gained a deeper understanding of governmental procedures, banking affairs, taxregulations, and visa systems, and shared the knowledge he acquired with his colleagues.
In early 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Chinese personnel from BNBM CENTRALASIA who had returned to China were unable to come back promptly due to the pandemic. Even if they managed to return, they had to undergo long periods of quarantine, causing a personnel shortage, which had a significant impact on the project construction.
It was Azizjon who offered his hand during this challenging time. Despite the risk of being infected, Azizjon still worked overtime to complete all the procedures required the approval from the government of Fergana Region for the use of 36.9-hectare land plot, and obtained the land use right certificate successfully. While supervising the construction of the plant"s perimeter wall, he would also take photos and send them back to China together with regular reports, allowing the domestic leadership to stay informed about the progress. He also actively cooperated with and assisted Chinese employees in completing various work tasks, ensuring that the project progressed in an orderly manner according to the schedule.
In October 2021, the civil construction of BNBM CENTRAL ASIA officially commenced. Prior to this, Azizjon assisted the company in obtaining the project"s environmental impact assessment conclusion and construction permit, completing the approval of fire protection and natural gas drawings.
A saying circulates among BNBM CENTRAL ASIA employees: "If you need help, go find Azizjon," which shows how well-liked he is. With a gentle temperament, Azizjon treats people with kindness, and works in a meticulous and thoughtful manner, which earns him recognition from everyone.
He is considerate and is a truly warm-hearted man. During the pandemic, when Chinese personnel were infected with COVID-19, he took care of them fearlessly and selflessly, encouraging them with a smile every day and helping them recover as soon as possible, leaving a deep impression on his colleagues. He would also care about colleagues who were ill and give them small gifts for comfort. Apart from that, he would bring snacks from Kokand that his colleagues loved, and his big eyes would turn into slits as he smiled in response to their surprised and grateful thanks.
This is Azizjon. His care for the company and his colleagues comes from the bottom of his heart and is evident in his words and actions, constantly infecting those around him.
His dedication has earned him the trust of company leaders and the respect and affection of his colleagues. When he got married, all the company leaders attended his wedding, and even now he often brings out the wedding video for everyone to watch and relive the moment. When his daughter was born, all the employees gathered together to celebrate and share in his joy.
Over the course of four years, Azizjon has witnessed the transformation of BNBM CENTRAL ASIA from nothing to something. He has grown and progressed alongside the Company, becoming more confident and composed.
Azizjon is just one representative, one epitome, of the foreign employees at BNBM CENTRAL ASIA. More and more local employees are working diligently in their respective positions, striving to master professional skills and performing their duties while starting to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture. Same as the Chinese personnel, they are an indispensable and valuable asset to BNBM CENTRAL ASIA.